- Съдържа 4 броя с различни цветове
- Ергономичен
Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:
By introducing a new generation of bra clips, Bye Bra takes the traditional bra accessories to the next level. The Curved Bra Clips help many women who struggle with visible bra straps and the discomfort resulting from wearing too small and non-adaptive accessories of similar nature, which might even hurt the spine if too solid. With its ergonomic curved shape, the Curved Bra Clip is adapted to the shape of the spine and will enhance comfort while wearing.
The Curved Bra Clip is not flat on the spine: it will be aligned with the shape of the spine, hence will not even be felt while being worn. The Curved Bra Clip is made from a soft-iron material, which may also be stretched or bent, if required by the wearer. This way, women will obtain a personalized and ergonomic Curved Bra Clip fitting of their needs.
The Curved Bra Clip’s flower shape makes it the perfect size for a bra clip and reduces pressure on the spine.
- Contains 4 units with different colors
- Ergonomic
- Производител: BYE BRA
- Модел: 63293
- Спецификации:
- Съдържа 4 броя с различни цветове
- Ергономичен
- Наличност: 3 работни дни
- 26 лв.
21 лв.